Advertising on social networks: The leading solution to promote the brand

Ori Marketing Agency is proud to be a quality and effective social media service provider. Social media advertising plays a very important role in online marketing activities.

Our Social Media Advertising service will help your business grow by popularizing your brand image on popular social networking sites and attracting potential customers.

    Packages of social media advertising in Ori

    Social media advertising at Ori is not just about creating an advertising campaign. We also do research based on insights and customer behavior to build optimal campaigns that bring the fastest results. If you are ready to innovate your marketing strategy, check out the service packages we are offering!

    15% of ad spend / month

      Up to 2 networks included

    • Up to 8 advertising campaigns
    • Up to 2 consultations per month


    Send Me a Proposal
    12% of ad spend / month
    • Up to 3 networks included
    • Up to 10 advertising campaigns
    • Up to 4 consultations per month


    Send Me a Proposal

    Why should businesses advertise on social networks?

    Today, in addition to designing websites to improve business operations, the widespread development of social networking sites such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, and Tiktok… can help individuals. Individuals or business units have more opportunities to promote the company’s image, advertise products and services to many customers, sell online, and answer questions effectively.

    Social media advertising is not limited to the amount and time of content posting. Therefore, the information will be constantly updated and attract many customers to follow your products.

    So, learning how popular social networks work will help quickly increase your company’s revenue. When you become an Ori partner, our experienced staff will help you implement comprehensive social media advertising campaigns.

    Please contact us immediately at 0965 888 713 for more detailed advice!

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    Social advertising service for all platforms

    In addition to PPC management services, Ori Agency provides strategy or platform-specific paid advertising services, such as advertising on Facebook and Youtube… or targeting users with marketing again. Here are a few social media platforms where we can run your advertising campaigns.

    Facebook Advertising Services

    With billions of users globally, Facebook ads will help you reach more demanding customers, positively impacting revenue.

    Advertise on Facebook

    Instagram Advertising Services

    Like Facebook, Instagram ads are an effective way to build your brand image and drive users to engage with your brand and buy your products.

    Advertise on Instagram

    Twitter Advertising Services

    Twitter Ads will help you get your message out to the most potential users of your product through Tweets in the form of dialogues with photos, videos, animations, and Moment updates.

    Advertise on Twitter

    LinkedIn Advertising Services

    Advertising on professional social networks used by billions of people will help you reach new and quality potential customers, leaders, businesses…

    Advertise on LinkedIn

    YouTube Advertising Services

    Youtube is the most popular video social network. When making ads on Youtube, you easily convey the brand’s message to users visually through attractive videos.

    Advertise on YouTube

    Pinterest Advertising Services

    Pinterest – a photo and video social networking site that provides great ideas for users that can help you increase revenue quickly through valuable advertising activities with attractive images.

    Advertise on Pinterest

    Ecommerce Social Media Advertising

    Grow your e-commerce store traffic and start selling more online with social media advertising!

    Promote Your Ecommerce Store

    Enterprise Social Media Advertising

    With an advertising budget of over $10,000 monthly, you can quickly increase your business’ sales through social media advertising.

    Advertise Your Enterprise

    D2C Social Media Advertising

    D2C social network advertising with many attractive forms is especially effective and cost-effective for small and medium businesses.

    Promote Your D2C Company

    7 Ways Ori’s Social Ads Management Service helps your business

    When your company chooses Ori to carry out social media advertising campaigns, we guarantee to help you achieve your goals by increasing likes and followers for your social networking site to Drive sales and optimize your ad spend for the best return on investment (ROI).

    With our social media advertising services, your company can take advantage of these seven benefits:

    • 1. Reach more potential customers for your business
    • 2. Remarket to your website, store, or email subscribers to receive information from you…
    • 3. Use artificial intelligence or a message template system we build based on the data you provide to text and target customers precisely.
    • 4. Build cost-effective campaigns against the measurable advertising goals you desire
    • 5. Optimize your ad spend to maximize return on investment (ROI) and results
    • 6. Create brand awareness with potential users in your target market
    • 7. Build customer loyalty, expand the retailer network, and promote word-of-mouth advertising…

    Your marketing can become even more powerful when you work with Ori to build the most comprehensive social media advertising strategies!

    Ori provides transparent social media advertising service packages

    Ori believes transparency is the most important key to building long-term partnerships in business. That’s also why we build different social media advertising services packages to help build long-term partnerships tailored to each client’s goals without spending too much. Our social media advertising services can serve anyone from small business owners to large corporations with banks. The most attractive and reasonable spending book!

    Here are some of the service packages we are offering!

    BONUS READING: How to Perform a Social Media Analysis to Improve Success

    A perfect solution for effective social media management.

    A perfect solution for effective social media management

    Ori Agency offers a comprehensive social media advertising strategy, with various social media platforms, from Facebook to Linkedln. You won’t have to worry about managing these sites when you work with our team of experienced social media experts and creative designers.

    The outstanding advertising method at Ori Agency will be implemented as follows:

    1. Effective strategic planning for each project
    – In-depth research of Business – Competitors – Target customers.
    – Consulting on category strategy, target strategy, and channel strategy
    – Consulting on product optimization and building incentive programs to optimize conversions and increase sales.

    2. Build effective content by in-depth methods:
    – Apply a 3D model to research customer insight
    – Applying the AIDA model to create content according to the customer journey
    – Build quality content, and meet advertising goals

    3. Increase conversion rates through tool insights
    – Apply the right tool for advertising tactics
    – Use tools to increase conversions through the customer funnel
    – Continuously testing, updating new tools, and optimizing results

    4. Diversify advertising forms
    – Choose the most effective forms of advertising to increase conversions
    – Experienced personnel, constantly updating market trends
    – Apply advertising methods and insight methods to properly hit customers’ pain

    If your company has never advertised on social media, our social advertising services include installing a network tracking pixel, such as the Facebook Pixel, on your website. That way, your ad campaign can use remarketing to convert those in need into loyal customers.

    Who should use social media advertising services?

    With outstanding features in terms of transmission and owning an extremely large number of users, social networks are considered an effective advertising tool, helping businesses find customers, interact, and build a business or personal brand. Therefore, social media advertising strategy is very important for any business operating in any field.

    Ori Agency develops various social media advertising services to create campaigns tailored to each client’s business model.

    Whether your goal is to drive conversions, increase brand awareness, or increase engagement with the public, our social advertising services are versatile. We will research and advise the best approach for your business.

    One of our social media advertising strategies includes engaging content that builds on unique aspects of your business that sets you apart from your competitors and keeps you up to date with new trends in the market.

    Why hire a company to do social media advertising?

    Because of its reasonable cost, high accessibility, and well-defined KPIs, almost every business wants to own an effective digital marketing communication channel.

    However, the in-house team model may be a hesitation for some young or small businesses because of budget and time issues.

    Firstly, in terms of budget, hiring more people means you have to pay more. Are you willing to spend a large amount of money to invest in an activity you are unsure of when you have so much work that requires money?

    Secondly, in terms of time, this factor always comes with expertise. Are you sure your new team has a solid level of expertise, can be knowledgeable about the product, and adapt to the company culture quickly?

    We should remember that, in marketing activities, the smooth coordination between departments is an important factor in creating the success of the whole process. Inefficient employees will cause your line to be delayed, and effective communication is not as you expect.

    As such, hiring a dedicated marketing team for your company is fraught with challenges and takes a lot of time to train.

    Meanwhile, an agency with sufficient knowledge of the market, customer insights, and competitors will be able to recommend many suitable short-term plans for you. In addition, the agency will often integrate many different services, from Fanpage management, image design, and video production to running ads… This will help businesses optimize costs more and easily see the effect quickly.

    In short, a clear process and plan are a big plus for the agency. The client can pre-determine the results and time to plan the company’s finances. The risk is always low because of the commitment from the agency.

    To evaluate the performance of your social media advertising campaign, Ori Agency will provide social advertising reports and ongoing performance updates. So you’ll know exactly what’s going on with your campaign when you choose our social ad management service.

    Besides, Ori Agency also constantly strives to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and social policies, ensuring your campaigns reach the right customers and create conversions with their purchases.

    Hiring an agency is a smart choice for your company!

    Which platform should you choose to do social media advertising?

    There are so many social networks online that you are overwhelmed and do not know which platform to start running ads on.

    Communication aims to help you reach as many potential customers as possible who can buy the product or service you are offering.

    Therefore, when choosing a social network, you should consider the fit between that community’s audience and your business.

    And here are seven potential social networks that we think are suitable for running ads for any industry:

    1. Facebook Ads
    Facebook is one of the world’s largest social networks, withh about 2.8 billion users as of 2020. It is also the leading marketing platform worldwide. About 91% of B2B and 96% of B2C marketers use Facebook for advertising and marketing.

    Facebook can be right for any business because it builds the most powerful tools to help optimize and target ads accurately. Facebook also offers to target options that allow advertisers to target specific demographics, interests, and behaviors. It can also target users based on where people shop, travel, and more!

    Besides, Facebook also allows marketers to accurately track every ad campaign activity, including reach, interaction rate, response rate, purchase rate, etc.

    When choosing Facebook for your ad campaign, you can post content in many different formats, such as photos, videos, carousels, slideshows, and many other convenient forms of advertising:

    – Carousel ads: This is one of the new and most effective Facebook ad formats. This unique feature allows you to showcase multiple products or services at once. Ads will appear as consecutive slides in the user’s newsfeed.

    – Dynamic product ads: If you want to entice customers to return to your website, you cannot ignore this ad format. Dynamic product ads work because if a customer has viewed or added a product to the cart but has not purchased it, then when they surf Facebook, they will see this ad showing those products again. Therefore, it can allow you to reach many goals, such as Users who viewed but did not buy, users who have added products to their cart but have not paid… and deliver amazing revenue performance.

    – Feature videos: This feature allows you to use promotional videos to introduce events or combine many different videos to introduce your business to create a highlight that will impress users more with your brand.

    – Facebook Leads Ads: With this type of Facebook ad, you can quickly get a list of email addresses from potential customers and even contact methods by automatically serving a form when the user clicks on Call-To-Action.

    – Abandoned Cart Ads: This type of advertising stimulates customers to shop by displaying content about some programs such as free shipping, 10% instant discount, etc.

    – Event Responsive: You can set up a separate event page on Facebook or create a promotion section on your website and then install Facebook ads leading to these pages to attract users to shop.

    – Domain Ads: This form of website advertising integrated with Fanpage leads customers directly to the website or page when customers click on the ad. Domain Ads usually include a title, a short description, and a website link.

    – Multi Products: This type of marketing allows you to display more than 1 product in the same message template on the ad.

    – Advertising Page Likes: Advertising like a fanpage is one of the most used forms of advertising on Facebook. This ad template will include a link to the Fanpage and a “Like Page” button. Users can click Like or visit your Fanpage to learn more about the products.

    – Promote Page Post Engagement posts: This type of ad helps you increase engagement for your posts through Likes, Comments, Shares, and Views. Besides, it indirectly increases the number of fans while improving the effective conversion rate…

    – Offer Claim: The purpose of this form of advertising is for you to give discount codes to members on the page. To receive these promotions, you require users to invite at least 50 other people to press “Like” on the fanpage. The “Get Offer” button is placed on the ad to increase the number of visitors who sign up for the program.

    – App Install: This type of advertising aims to increase the number of mobile app installs. The ad image includes the name of the Fanpage, the application’s name, and a call to action button (usually Use App or Install Now). When the user clicks on the ad, they will be redirected to the application, game, and other settings page.

    2. Instagram Ads
    Instagram is a visual social media platform. It favors high-quality images and video content. The social network currently has around 500 million daily active users, and 70% of shopaholics use the app to discover products.

    Based on those facts, Instagram can be very profitable for B2C businesses (82% of B2C marketers already use it).

    Instagram has many ad formats similar to Facebook, including Feature videos, Carousel ads, and Dynamic product ads…Instagram also allows users to build campaigns based on measurable goals, such as website clicks, conversions, app installs, engagement, video views, and awareness. Advertisers on Instagram can target their ads just like Facebook ads.

    The app recently redesigned its mobile app to focus on shopping. It makes advertising and selling products easier without the customer navigating to the store website.

    3. Twitter Ads
    Twitter is a blog display social networking platform with 145 million daily active users who post around 500 million tweets every day.
    Like Facebook or Instagram, the platform is also very popular with businesses. 59% of B2B and 53% of B2C marketers use it to meet their marketing goals.

    One highlight of Twitter is that you won’t have to pay for every ad that starts with a # sign. When you use the # sign to start your marketing content, you easily reach a wide audience without having to specifically target them, and at the same time, the level of interaction you receive is also very effective, more than 100 %

    In addition to organic advertising, Twitter has targeted marketing options based on demographics. This allows you to promote content to your key audiences.

    However, Twitter is not a platform that will bring significant web traffic conversions.

    4. Pinterest Ads
    Compared to other social media channels, businesses often choose Pinterest because they think it is not very effective for their marketing campaigns, but the reality is quite the opposite.

    Did you know 96% of all Pinterest users regularly research product information on the platform, and 87% of users have purchased a product they see on Pinterest? More than half of Pinterest users earn more than $50,000 per year. 10% of users have an annual income of over $125,000. Therefore, Pinterest users are a desirable target audience for businesses.

    Advertising on Pinterest focuses on attractive images and valuable content. Since Pinterest works like an idea site, you can target customers with keywords (SEO).

    Some effective advertising options on Pinterest to help promote your brand to customers include:
    – Video Pins: They look like regular pins, except videos start playing automatically when the user scrolls through them.
    – One-tap Pins: These pins take users directly to your website with just one tap.
    – Promoted App Pins: These pins allow users to download apps from the App Store without leaving Pinterest.
    – Cinematic Pins: These pins move like an animated GIF as the user scrolls through. They currently only work on mobile.

    5. Linkdle Ads
    LinkedIn is a unique professional social networking platform. It caters entirely to businesses and professionals in various fields. Despite having a specific user base, LinkedIn has strong targeted advertising capabilities. This platform can help marketers reach more than 690 million users.

    However, running LinkedIn social media advertising campaigns costs relatively high. But in return, the audience you will reach is of higher quality than other social media channels. Targeted business-minded individuals will always see your ads based on relevant demographic information, such as job title, confirmed industry, and work location.

    Aside from the higher cost, LinkedIn doesn’t have a high click-through rate (0.45% lower on average than Facebook).

    6. Youtube Ads
    YouTube is an American online video-sharing social networking platform owned by Google, with over one billion monthly users and approximately one billion hours of video watched daily.

    Advertising on YouTube differs greatly from PPC advertising or paid advertising campaigns on other social networks. Ads will appear as short videos you watch, as well as videos that the user is watching. The appearance can sometimes annoy users, so Youtube has introduced the Youtube Premium version to limit the ads.

    However, the number of users willing to spend money to use this upgraded version of Youtube is still not much. Therefore, it remains an effective and cost-effective marketing platform for businesses.

    In January 2017, Google announced that it would be making new changes to AdWords that would allow brands to reach more viewers on YouTube – especially on mobile, where 50% of YouTube views occur. Among the changes that Google made, one prominent issue is that broadcasters can target viewers based on their Google search history and the viewing behavior of users that YouTube defined as before.

    Meanwhile, targeted keywords on YouTube are relatively cheaper than searching on Google. Therefore, advertising on Youtube becomes even more attractive to advertising professionals!

    7. Snapchat Ads
    Snapchat has 187 million daily active users, 82% aged 34 and under 60% likely to shop on the platform. If your audience is under 34, Snapchat is a great place for your social media advertising budget.

    Snapchat offers three ways to create ads: Snap Ads, Filters, and Lenses.
    – Snap ads appear when users scroll through their friends’ Stories.
    – Ads Filters offers sponsored graphics that users can find when swiping through options to select overlays on their photos or videos.
    – Lenses ads are often used for events at a specific location. Lenses also cover photos or videos but can be designed to influence or alter the user’s images and videos.

    Three tips for choosing the best social advertising agency

    Many companies are ready to provide you with effective social media advertising services. However, you don’t have a lot of experience to choose from and can’t be sure if your business is right for the agency.

    Do not worry! We will give you three useful tips to help you choose the right agency!

    1. They provide a transparent price list of services

    Providing a price list of services transparently shows the professionalism in an agency’s operation because they don’t want to waste their time as well as the time of potential customers like you.

    When a company announces unclear pricing, it could be that they have hidden costs associated with social media ad management or don’t have a specific pricing system.

    However, when an agency offers transparent pricing, they look into their business seriously. At the same time, informing the price in advance will help you be more proactive about your budget for social advertising services when you partner with an agency.

    2. They never stop innovating

    The market is always changing every second, and every minute requires agencies to update new trends in line with consumer trends. And no company wants to work with an agency always standing still.

    However, your chosen agency must help you make a difference in that current trend. Then the campaigns implemented for your company will stand out from your competitors.

    You can judge an agency by how it presents its position, evidenced by specific guidelines, plans, and feasible ideas softly and skillfully.

    3. Ensure a win-win relationship between the client and the agency

    A professional agency will be experienced, have a strong network of relationships, run jobs quickly and smoothly, save deployment time, and reduce the burden on the company’s human resources. Karma.

    To evaluate the agency’s overall campaign experience, find out what achievements this agency has achieved and what partners you have worked with in the past. The more insights and positive responses you get from this question, the more affirmation of the agency’s products and services.

    Looking to learn more about social media advertising services? Browse our FAQ

    Some frequently asked questions about social media advertising services

    These are some common questions customers have about social media advertising services. If you need more detailed advice, please contact us immediately to receive the best support!

    1. What is social media advertising service?

    Social media advertising services promote your business’ brand on social media networks such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to increase brand awareness, engagement, followers, and even potential customers and increase sales.

    2. How much does the social media advertising service cost?

    Prices for social media advertising services will vary based on several factors, including the social media platform you choose to advertise on, the company providing the service, and ad spending.
    Typically, businesses will have a monthly ad spend of $200 to $50,000, which invests $450 to $6,000 monthly in social media advertising services.

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