Digital Recruitment Marketing Service: The perfect recruitment solution in the digital age

Currently, many candidates are using social networking platforms to search for a suitable job. At the same time, job search websites are also gaining popularity rapidly. Ori Marketing Agency offers a variety of strategic options to help you create the perfect job listing and shape your online recruitment campaign in the digital sector to attract and recruit promising candidates.

    The leading digital recruitment service that helps attract the right candidates

    If you have a headache when recruiting new employees for your company, there are too many CVs sent, but you cannot filter them all. On the other hand, you feel that the recruitment process you built has not been as effective as you wanted.

    Don’t worry; now, Ori Marketing Agency will provide you with a perfect digital recruitment campaign and are committed to ensuring goals.

    When working with us, your recruitment activities will become more comprehensive, from consulting a specialized recruitment strategy for each customer to announcing the positions you are looking for with Digital Advertising, Social Recruiting, or even building your candidate care channels to help you attract the perfect candidate.

    To learn more about our digital recruitment marketing services, keep reading!

    Or contact us at 096 588 8713!

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    The importance of digital recruitment marketing

    Searching for a dream job is like searching for a product or service. Before buying (or applying for a job), the client (candidate) always knows everything about the job, the business, benefits, position, and brand before they commit or even show interest.

    Digital recruitment marketing allows you to promote your job opportunity by advertising a product or service on digital platforms — by showcasing your best interests, communicating your brand, and attracting potential candidates.

    If you believe that your company’s growth depends on the capabilities of your workforce, you will certainly want to hire the right people to participate in your business activities. Then hiring a human resource recruitment service provider through a digital platform is a good way to ensure the quality of candidates, costs, and recruitment time.

    Here are 7 advantages of digital recruitment marketing to help you make a more informed choice:

    1. Better quality candidates

    Unlike the conventional recruitment model, the digital recruitment marketing method will help businesses access candidates with a lot of experience in the position corresponding to their recruitment needs because professionals in this field have the means and resources to find success and the skills to select the right candidate that meets your requirements.

    In short, when using recruitment marketing services, your business will benefit from the expertise and communication experience of the team you hire.

    2. Recruit faster

    Recruitment time is one of the criteria for evaluating recruitment effectiveness. So, if you want to get good results, you have to speed up your hiring time.

    What if the recruiting department had to start from scratch every time there was a need to find a new candidate? This is very time-consuming. However, with Digital Recruitment Marketing, the recruitment team will begin attracting and nurturing a stream of potential candidates once this campaign is launched. Every time you need, they already have a source of quality candidates to contact offer job opportunities.

    Besides, they are not distracted with other jobs and responsibilities like managers, but completely devote their time to the recruitment process, promptly responding to vacancies for your business without delay.

    3. Lower cost

    Recruiting expenditures include events, recruitment websites, and other expenditures for promoting brand awareness and obtaining applications. And it is difficult for businesses to track these costs in detail.

    The right Recruitment Marketing platform helps recruiters track campaigns during candidate flow but also helps recruiters prioritize investments in effective resources and gradually reduce costs such as advertising, application filtering, and recruiting costs…

    4. Easily track metrics and adjust recruitment channels

    If other recruitment methods cost businesses a lot of time and money, with Digital Recruitment Marketing, the metrics of reach, applications, advertising costs, and the candidate’s interest in the brand… is regularly reported to help your business and employers easily and accurately assess the necessary information. From there, improve the recruitment process, and adjust the appropriate form of the job posting to achieve positive results.
    5. Workforce Flexibility

    Every business has a different growth cycle. If your business has quarters that increase and reduce production activities, hiring a digital recruitment marketing team ensures the flexibility to respond promptly to those changes. Depending on the workload, you can increase or decrease the workforce at any time.

    6. Increase diversity in the staff:
    According to a study by McKinsey – a global management consulting firm in the US – a team with gender diversity can get the job done 15% better. Teams with ethnic diversity can increase work efficiency by up to 35%.

    Attracting candidates with diverse genders, demographics, and personalities is always the goal of businesses. Recruitment Marketing helps businesses be more proactive in finding suitable candidates by using events, recruitment pages, etc., to effectively “hit” potential candidates.

    7. Promote employer brand:
    According to statistics, 55% of leaders consider employer branding a top priority. The reason is that candidates don’t apply to the company; they apply to the brand. When looking for a job, candidates tend to learn about the company’s mission and what it means to them to contribute to the business.

    Applying Digital Recruitment Marketing will help your business build a recruitment brand slowly but create long-term effects such as increasing candidates’ trust in the brand and creating a stable and potential source of candidates.

    With the above advantages, Digital Recruitment Marketing is a solution to help the recruitment department of enterprises be more proactive when looking for personnel. From there, potential candidates can be approached through information about the working environment, company culture, etc., which appears on the given channels.

    Thanks to appearing with a large frequency combined with positive information about the business in the labor market, candidates feel more secure and decide to apply. At that time, recruitment marketing also affirmed its role in helping businesses improve their brands and attract talent to meet recruitment criteria. At the same time, the recruitment process is fast, and the candidate experience is also significantly improved.

    What technical recruitment marketing strategies do you need to attract potential candidates?

    At Ori Agency Marketing, we offer four different digital marketing recruitment service packages to devise different strategies based on your business growth, recruitment needs, level of access, and image building in the job market,…
    Here are some of the services we provide:

    Monthly recruitment advertisement
    Monthly job ads are one of the best ways to expand your audience beyond posting job openings on popular job sites. While these sites can be successful, advertising on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Linkdle, etc., is extremely helpful and efficient to maximize the reach of your campaign and impress candidates.

    Ori Marketing Agency currently offers four different levels of monthly job ads with different preferential prices with huge benefits that we guarantee you will be pleased to receive!


    Build a custom recruitment page for your business

    In this era of the information technology boom, the advent of recruitment websites makes finding jobs and finding people more accessible.

    For employers or businesses: The unit only needs to provide the necessary criteria for the personnel position and post it in the relevant section. Immediately after that, the candidate will consult, evaluate the ability and desire to be suitable, submit the application, and contact to schedule an interview. Finding people through recruitment websites will give employers a wide selection of the best people to work with.

    For candidates: Instead of constantly surfing social networks for an excellent job opportunity, they just need to type information related to the dream job, including location, form, salary, and expertise,… The recruitment website will show relevant results for them to consider. At the same time, when the business has its recruitment website, candidates can easily shape the business’s brand and the working environment in the future.

    If you are an opportunist, create an intermediary between recruiters and candidates with a particular recruitment website!

    Keyword research:

    Like marketing for a product or service, keyword research is also an important factor in contributing to the success of your recruitment campaign. Building an optimal keyword system will help you target the suitable candidates for your job, save time and ensure 100% of your advertising costs will be converted into positive effects.

    Keyword research also helps your job opportunities be displayed in favorable positions on job search websites, social networking applications, or websites that return search results to users.


    Google Analytics:

    Google Analytics is a tool for tracking, measuring, analyzing, and reporting website traffic. Thanks to it, you can track your recruitment campaign more easily and adjust your job site.
    Our Digital Recruitment Marketing packages include the following:
    A Google Analytics account setup.
    Google Analytics conversion tracking.
    A custom dashboard on the platform.
    This allows us to ensure that your job postings attract candidates effectively and help us find limitations to improve the site, improving the user experience.

    PPC Management:

    PPC advertising is a familiar form of marketing for many businesses today. In the field of recruitment, applying PPC advertising saves you costs and increases your job presence on Google and more social networking platforms.
    Our PPC management packages include Google PPC management and Facebook PPC management.

    Dedicated consultant:

    When you work with Ori Marketing Agency, no matter the size of your campaign, you will receive support from our team of experts. They will be with you throughout the campaign, answering questions and providing insights into your campaign’s success.

    With our comprehensive digital recruitment marketing services, you will see more high-quality candidates for the jobs you are looking for in your company!

    Ori Agency – The best digital recruitment marketing process

    Ori Agency was established to become a leading agency in consulting and implementing digital transformation and digital marketing for businesses. Are you curious how we can build the best digital recruitment campaign for you? Follow the information below to better understand how we work!

    Define your audience correctly:

    In each marketing campaign that Ori undertakes, the first step we implement is to accurately identify the target audience the customer wants to target to do the necessary research for the following stage.
    Based on your business information, Ori will build a list of candidate essentials to match your requirements. This list will include demographics, interests, expertise, and skills,…

    Set up the best recruitment channel

    You are completely wrong if you still think that recruiting is just posting information on social networking platforms and candidates will apply themselves!
    Nowadays, countless social networking sites can be used for recruitment, along with the explosion of job search websites. However, each platform has a different audience, a different number of users, and different ways of operating. So, to ensure the most effective recruitment campaign, we will do in-depth research to recommend good platforms to bring you a high-quality workforce.

    Make the perfect to-do list

    Goodecruitment information must include enough content about the candidate’s position, job details, salary, benefits, and responsibilities of employees after being recruited. However, the way for you to differentiate yourself from thousands of competitors is to convey information on how to make candidates feel interested and think that this job is a great career opportunity for them. Surname?

    We’ll make sure to create engaging recruitment content that includes all the qualifications a candidate needs and highlights the strengths of your business. Thereby providing you with a source of quality candidates right from the start.

    Analyze the results:
    Analytics will help Ori track and categorize the number of candidates you receive, where they come from, and other key metrics to ensure that your digital recruitment marketing is as successful as possible.

    We have a team of professionals knowledgeable in analytical tools and qualified to recommend measures to tailor your campaign to make it even more effective next month.


    Why should you choose Ori Agency's digital recruitment marketing service?

    When using Ori Agency’s digital recruitment marketing service, customers will experience dedicated care, transparent and clear processes, always on time and in compliance with the law.

    About the staff: We have a team of digital marketing experts in all areas of the industry, including SEO, PPC, content marketing, and social media… They are professional, dedicated, guaranteed to comply with standards, flexible, and meet each customer’s requirements.

    About customers: Ori Marketing Agency has cooperated with over 500 customers operating in many different industries with over 1000 successful advertising campaigns. The campaigns we have implemented not only help to expand the brand image but also show a clear communication effect, reflected in the 50% optimization of the marketing cost of the business, bringing in big data sources during deployment, and the average customer conversion rate is 20%.

    About the method: Ori Marketing Agency only provides digital recruitment marketing services based on strict legal compliance and transparency principles. You will receive a detailed quote and useful advice to optimize your budget when working with us.

    Ori Marketing Agency is here if you need help creating the perfect digital recruiting campaign. Please contact us online or at 096 588 8713 to speak with an expert!

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