PPC management service: Increase business sales

Ori Marketing Agency is confident to be the leading company providing PPC advertising services to help your business grow. We understand that no two companies are alike, and good advertising will help you stand out from your competitors. With an effective PPC campaign, we can drive traffic to your website, attract potential customers, and turn them into loyal customers willing to pay for your products.

    PPC Management Service Package in Ori

    Ori Agency is a leading provider of comprehensive Digital Marketing solutions. If you are ready to implement a PPC advertising campaign, please refer to our service packages below to build the best-paid advertising plan for your business!

    $600 / month

      $100 – $5,000/month
      ad spend (paid to networks)

    • 2,000 keywords
    • Google PPC Network
    • Campaign development, strategy, copywriting, testing


    Customize My Plan
    $975 / month
    • $5,000 – $30,000/month
      ad spend (paid to networks)
    • 10,000 keywords
    • AdTechFX: 3rd party audience targeting, account-
      based retargeting, CRM pipeline retargeting
    • 1 FunnelsFX landing page
      template (includes setup)


    Customize My Plan
    12% of ad spend / month
    • $30,001+/monthly ad spend
      (paid to networks)
    • 10,000 keywords
    • 4 lite display ad creative sets
    • 15-second CTV commercial


    Customize My Plan

    Drive revenue from paid search with the PPC management services

    What is PPC advertising?

    PPC stands for Pay Per Click and is also known as pay-per-click advertising. It is an internet marketing model allowing businesses to advertise on SERPs (search engine results pages), social media sites, and other websites. PPC’s goal is just to increase the number of visits to its website and turn those leads into paying customers.

    To assist you in quickly reaching out to potential customers and encouraging them to buy the goods, Ori Agency’s PPC management service will offer a complete PPC advertising strategy that includes several sorts, such as sponsored search, display advertising, and social media marketing.

    Are you ready for paid advertising?

    Contact Ori Agency now to consult with experienced strategists from our PPC team on how to earn more revenue with PPC advertising.

    Ori Agency is one of the most professional partners we have ever worked with. They own an excellent team, experienced and dedicated to each customer. I am very happy to have been and be one of Ori’s partners.

    Director of Marketing

    See 1,020+ Happy Clients’ Testimonials

    Ori Agency PPC Management Services

    Some additional PPC advertising services

    In addition to providing PPC management services, Ori Agency also supports PPC design according to each business strategy and on many different platforms.
    Please refer to the services below and contact us directly to receive detailed advice from Ori’s experienced staff!

    PPC Audit Services

    Custom PPC measurement service provides comprehensive assessments for us to tailor PPC performance to business goals

    Audit Your Strategy


    Remarketing services help increase revenue by attracting audiences who already interact with your brand, encouraging them to take the action you want

    Audit Your Strategy


    Facebook advertising allows you to reach more customers on Facebook and Facebook-affiliated sites

    Audit Your Strategy


    Advertise based on the user’s location, help your business optimize costs

    Audit Your Strategy


    Get a free PPC audit from our experienced team to learn how to improve the performance of your ad campaigns and strategy.

    Audit Your Strategy


    Social media advertising enhances your business’ presence on top social networks, thereby attracting potential customers

    Audit Your Strategy

    The secret to the 20% increase in PPC activity with Ori services

    At Ori, the PPC activities we implement for businesses include Experience and data. With our highly experienced staff plus the vast data that we’ve gathered, your business can launch smarter and sooner campaigns to increase revenue faster.

    With the power of this duo, the revenue of businesses that cooperate with us has increased by 20% in sales.

    In addition, Ori’s resources also allow us to:

    • Assess competitor intelligence for strategy formulation and initial campaign development
    • And more

    We do not apply a stereotyped model to all partners. Our PPC advertising management service will be tailored to your business, from industry to company goals.

    For all campaigns managed by Ori Marketing Agency, you will receive the latest advertising technology to help target a particular market. Our campaign leverages Google’s strong PPC network, text remarketing, and banner remarketing to encourage previous customers to switch. Customers continue to buy and become an advertising element, helping you reach more of your target audience.

    When you choose the business plan, you’ll get access to services, including click tracking, conversions, and virtual click tracking, in addition to setting up and managing rule-based bidding. These additional services are useful because they help to better tailor your campaign and monitor it to the best of your ability.

    As you look forward to growing and choosing Ori as your PPC campaign companion, you’ll gain access to services such as international PPC campaign management, Unbounce landing page template setup, and website conversion analysis report.

    Contact us for detailed advice and get the best services to help your business grow!

    What does Ori’s PPC include?

    When you choose our PPC management service for your online ad management solution, you get comprehensive plans to develop, manage and improve your PPC strategy.

    Our PPC ad management services include the following:

    • We provide you with a professional and dedicated project leader
    • We build a custom PPC strategy for your business, industry, and goals
    • We research 400 to 10,000 keywords for your campaigns
    • We provide a massive data warehouse, which has helped our customers increase PPC performance by 20%
    • We target ads on Google (including search and display), Bing, Gmail, and on popular social media platforms
    • We use advanced artificial intelligence to study our competitors’ advertising strategies
    • We develop custom ad campaign copy, then test performance
    • We strategically manage your ad bids to maximize your return on ad spend
    • We optimize existing ad copy, design, and targeting to improve performance
    • We monitor and update account settings to ensure PPC performance
    • We provide regular reports to keep your business up to date

    And more!

    Remember that the benefits you get from our PPC service will depend on the plan you have chosen.

    If you have questions about our online advertising management plan and delivery product, contact us online!

    Why is Ori one of the best PPC service providers?

    Ori Agency was established to become a leading agency in consulting and implementing transformation-oriented total marketing solutions for businesses. Our development effort is proven by the fact that we operate hundreds of projects, the customer reviews are always positive, and the project renewal rate is 85% effective.

    Why is Ori one of the best PPC service providers?

    Ori Agency was established to become a leading agency in consulting and implementing transformation-oriented total marketing solutions for businesses. Our development effort is proven by the fact that we operate hundreds of projects, customer reviews are always positive, and the re-signing rate of projects is 85% effective.

    Here are a few reasons why your business should choose Ori Agency as a partner to provide PPC management services:

    1. Transparent PPC service packages:

    We believe transparency and trust between partners are the key to a strong partnership. That includes pricing the service packages we recommend to you.

    We decentralize service packages to bring customers the best experience in terms of cost. Therefore, if you are thinking about it, try using the basic packages, and if it suits you, we are ready to cooperate for a long time with more advanced service packages with better benefits.

    Pre-service pricing lets us agree on a budget and what to include in your company’s upcoming PPC campaign.

    2. Harness the power of your data to increase revenue:

    You know, the product, customer, and competitor data you provide to us is one of the most powerful tools for conducting comprehensive advertising campaigns.

    By allowing us to learn about your data, we will transform it into an effective PPC strategy, helping you reach the right customers and increase sales quickly at a reasonable cost.

    We will research the advertising platform with the most customers and the type of advertising that is right for you.

    3. Work with a PPC service provider to turn your goals into theirs:

    With Ori Agency, customers are not simply partners but also family members. When you trust us, we will do our best to help you grow.

    To that end, we make your goals ours, and Ori’s team will do everything they can to ensure that your campaign always stands out.

    Your success is also our success!

    4. Save yourself precious time:

    If you are looking for a PPC service provider to fully manage your campaign, Ori Agency could be the right choice. We’ll not only help you plan your ads, but we’ll also provide dedicated support at every step of the PPC process.

    Specifically, you will receive a professional campaign manager who will help Ori understand your requirements, offer a reasonable solution, and regularly update you on the campaign’s progress.

    At the same time, we’ll do advanced keyword research and selection and analyze your industry to ensure we’re targeting the right people.

    We’ll handle all of the copywriting for your ad campaign, test the performance of the process, and continually develop and tweak keywords to improve their exposure. digital platform

    When it comes to your PPC campaign, we control it!

    5. Get transparent ROI reports:

    We’ve mentioned how important it is to analyze your ad results to ensure that customer conversion rates are increasing and traffic is improving.

    Don’t worry — we’ll take care of that for you, too.

    We provide analytics for your campaign, tweak your A/B test landing pages, and make sure your keywords effectively drive sales.

    We’ll let you know how your campaign is doing step-by-step and make well-founded recommendations on how to proceed.

    Deliver PPC campaigns tailored to your business, industry, and goals.

    Ori Agency knows that the needs of every business are different.

    That means every campaign must be carefully researched to meet the factors that interest you most. We offer a wide range of basic and advanced service plans, allowing you to choose the PPC management price range and provisioning strategy that best suits your business.

    Six reasons businesses need a PPC campaign:

    PPC campaigns bring a lot of benefits to a business. This is not only an effective way to increase traffic to your website but also saves you money and time and ensures that you reach your target audience and increase sales quickly.
    Let’s learn more about the six great benefits of PPC for businesses through the section below!

    1. PPC helps you effectively save advertising costs:

    PPC can help lower the cost of advertising for your business. If you don’t believe it, consider the following example: When you advertise in a newspaper or a television program, you must pay for its location and the time it appears. If you advertise with billboards, that cost can increase because of many expenses such as printing, energy, etc.

    Meanwhile, the same idea of advertising but PPC will help your content appear on users’ search engines. Instead of paying for the space your ads take up in the results pages, you simply pay Google to have your ads appear when users search for related keywords.

    This makes PPC cheaper, but you still reach your target audience effectively. Moreover, you only need to pay for the user’s ad clicks. The cost continues to decrease significantly while the conversion rate with customers is still higher than other forms of advertising. Therefore, this is an investment that Ori insists is extremely “worth the money.”

    2. PPC delivers quick results:

    You don’t have enough money to run a long-term advertising campaign. Don’t worry because PPC can help you solve this problem!

    PPC is a powerful tool for tuning the traffic drivers to your website. Therefore, even if you are decades behind your competition, when you apply PPC, you can still start quickly and see tangible results.

    Whereas long-term strategies like SEO or email marketing can take several months to reap good benefits, PPC will show results within a week. Your job is to regularly check and make the right adjustments for your PPC campaign to ensure it’s working correctly.

    3. PPC allows you to easily track results

    Tracking results is one of the most important parts of any campaign. If you can’t dig deep into your campaign analytics, you won’t know which elements are working and which are failing.

    PPC allows you to review and re-statistical advertising campaigns. From there, you analyze and evaluate what you have and have not achieved. Then finally, edit to make the most perfect.

    You can measure click-through rates through impressions, sales, conversions, and other essential statistics. There are many tools to help you check these factors.

    For example, you can use Google Ads to track your ad’s success in clicks, conversions, and more. Reports from the tools will give you insights into what your target audience is doing, whether your target audience clicked on your ad, or whether you should change the wording of your ad.

    In short, if you do an excellent job of tracking results, your campaign will grow quickly, as reflected in the results.

    4. Effective Targeting of PPC

    Many marketing tactics allow you to use targeting to reach your potential customers, and PPC is no exception. PPC’s targeting ability is the highest.

    PPC will help you run your planned ads to target audiences on terms or needs relevant to your business. In addition, you can completely run ads through the selected set of keywords. At the same time, you can apply a remarketing strategy to help you pursue customers who have visited your website.

    Here are a few ways Google advertising allows you to target your audience:

    • Demographics: Demographic audience targeting allows you to serve ads based on a user’s region, gender, location, or even the device they use to search.
    • In-market: In-market targeting allows you to reach customers searching for your company’s products and services. Your ads can be served to users who have previously purchased something from your site or are interested in what you sell.
    • Custom intent: With this targeting, your ad will appear randomly based on the words and phrases the user searches for. These keywords are relevant to your content. In addition, you can also add website URLs and YouTube content URLs… to fine-tune your targeting.
    • Remarketing: Remarketing allows you to reserve your ad for users who have previously clicked on your ad. Remarketing ads are extremely beneficial because they keep your business and products in the mind of your customers — especially those who have made a previous purchase.
    • Similar audiences: This targeting allows you to serve ads to audiences closely related to your target audience. For example, if your target audience is 30-year-old women and is intent on buying lotion, your ad can also show to other 30-year-old women – regardless of whether they are looking for a cream. The similarity in demographics and interests will stimulate ads to appear.
    • Content keywords: Targeting keywords in your content allows your ad to appear to users searching for that keyword phrase. You can change your list of keywords by season, holidays, etc., or manually create keywords to target specific demographics or search intent.

    5. Visual stimulation for consumers to convert

    With PPC, users will immediately be directed to the destination when they click on the ad. The landing page includes an element that entices the user to take the next step in the purchase process, be it giving you their email address or even the user making a purchase.

    Some examples of landing pages would be a page with a contact form, a quote form, or even a page where users can simply click “buy now” to make a purchase. This kite creates the perfect opportunity to encourage buying your product easily.

    6. Increase revenue:

    PPC advertising can help quickly improve your revenue due to increased sales website traffic.

    As soon as you win a bid for an ad in your industry, those ads go live — meaning they can be served to users searching for the keywords you choose to target.

    Besides, PPC ensures that your content will appear in favorable positions, such as the top of the results page, making it easy for users to click on the ad. In fact, on average, 41% of paid ad clicks are clicked on the ads that appear first on the search results page.

    Why should you work with a PPC management company?

    With a business, many strategies exist to invest in online marketing and an e-commerce website. In particular, PPC is a perfect solution to help companies to grow quickly and increase consumer awareness.

    However, business activities are not only advertising or marketing products. For small businesses, the budget may not be enough to organize and maintain a professional marketing department or specialize in any segment of the marketing field. Improving product quality requires businesses to invest more in production and research activities.

    So hiring a PPC agency to manage the company’s campaign is one of the most intelligent business practices leaders can do as they may not have the time to devote to nurturing their PPC campaign.

    Here are a few reasons that will convince you to partner with a PPC management company

    1. Skip staff training on PPC

    You are not a PPC expert. Your company’s marketing department is also not too strong in this area. You think about going to PPC school or training the staff.

    But this solution will consume considerable time and a high cost for a successful campaign. It is important to be highly knowledgeable about PPC, how it works, how it works, and the different strategies that are part of the campaign. At the same time, while you struggle to understand PPC, competitors can take advantage of opportunities far ahead of you. As such, this investment is inefficient.

    But when you hire a PPC regulator, you avoid having to learn or train someone in PPC, and you can leave it to the pros! You get three benefits: Optimizing costs, saving time, and improving sales.

    2. Saves you time
    Becoming an expert in any field takes a lot of study and practice. And PPC is no exception.

    When implementing PPC campaigns, you must continuously monitor your activities to promptly adjust inappropriate factors. The day-to-day campaign checks in you’re running a business can be challenging work.

    That’s why you should hire a company to help you work more professionally!

    3. Your goal will be guaranteed
    Since they are PPC experts, they will understand your wants and needs.
    Besides, they are also very good at analyzing demographic factors, keywords, and how digital platforms work… Therefore, the PPC service management company will provide a clear strategy at your disposal.

    4. They are experts

    The professionals working at the PPC management company are experts in their field. Otherwise, they won’t work for a company!

    They have gone through thousands of hours of training in their craft and they know what makes a successful PPC campaign.

    So, if a PPC strategy can help your business scale through increased sales, why not hire an experienced team to do the work for you?

    Frequently asked questions about PPC service

    Here are some common questions our customers ask us about PPC advertising

    1. What is PPC?
    PPC, or paid advertising, describes an online advertising strategy where advertisers pay when someone clicks on their ad. PPC ads can show on websites, search engines, and social media networks

    2. What is PPC Management Service?
    PPC is a marketing service that will provide you with a professional management system of your business’s PPC strategy and campaign for a certain fee. This management can include strategy development, bid management, and ad copy,…

    3. What does PPC service include?
    What you get from a PPC service will depend on the provider and the plan you choose. In most cases, PPC management will include advertising on Google and Bing, keyword targeting, bid management, and recurring reporting.

    4. How much does PPC service cost?
    On average, SMEs will spend between $9000 and $10,000 monthly on PPC. Expenses include advertising spending and management service costs. Agencies typically charge PPC campaign management services as a percentage of ad spend but may also charge a flat fee.

    At sao select Ori for your PPC service

    If you are looking for a professional PPC service company to drive sales, Ori Agency will meet your search criteria. We have provided excellent PPC services to hundreds of customers for over two decades, and we improve our skills every year.

    Since we are a full-service digital marketing company, PPC is not our only offer. We also offer the following other marketing services, which work extremely well alongside our managed PPC services:

    • Overall SEO service
    • Designing advertising content
    • Website design and development
    • Email marketing
    • Social network marketing

    And that’s just the beginning of our online marketing services beyond PPC.

    If you want to create a PPC campaign that delivers results or needs help with PPC, Ori Agency is the ideal choice. If you’re having issues with your current PPC campaign, Ori Agency can help immediately! Contact us by filling out the contact form or calling us at 0965 888 713. Ori is here to help you and your business.


    • Hotline: 0965 888 713
    • Email: info@oriagency.vn
    • Address: No. 38, 111 Nguyen Xien, Thanh Xuan, Hanoi

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    Digital Advertising

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